Most substitute teachers have experienced the anxiety of walking into a classroom to discover that no lesson plans were left you. Fear not! This easy phonics lesson will work great for kindergarten to grade 3 depending on your students' level.
A few materials are required - be sure to plan ahead.
Short Vowel Sounds Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Objective: Students will be able to identify and read words with short vowel sounds.
Recommended Grade Levels: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Short vowel flashcards (a, e, i, o, u)
Short vowel worksheets
Short vowel word lists
Introduction (5 minutes):
Introduce the concept of short vowels to the class.
Show the flashcards and have students repeat the names of the vowels.
Ask students if they can think of any words that have a short vowel sound. Write their responses on the board.
Direct Instruction (10 minutes):
Using the flashcards, have students practice identifying the short vowel sounds in words.
Call on students to give examples of words that have the short vowel sound being studied.
Introduce the worksheets and explain that they will be working on them during the independent practice portion of the lesson.
Guided Practice (15 minutes):
Divide the class into small groups and give each group a word list with short vowel words.
Have students take turns reading the words aloud and identifying the short vowel sound in each word.
Circulate the room to assist students as needed and to check for understanding.
Independent Practice (20 minutes):
Have students work independently on the short vowel worksheets.
These worksheets should include activities such as identifying short vowels in words, matching short vowel sounds to pictures, and completing short vowel words to make sentences.
Monitor students as they work and assist as needed.
Closure (5 minutes):
Review the short vowel sounds and have students give examples of words that have a short vowel sound.
Collect the worksheets and flashcards.
Remind students that they will be practicing short vowel sounds in future lessons.
Observe students during independent practice and collect worksheets to assess their understanding of short vowel sounds.
Give a short quiz at the end of the week to assess student progress.
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